wad my frenz said :
- Girl are like share in stock market....
- The pretty and nice lady and which have high demand=Blue Chip...Everyone wan it,but not everyone able to own it ..
- Girl who have nice look but low profile =did not discover potential share.. you need search and discover her ..
- If the share have been privatization(married woman), please don't be sturborn, choose another one ... =p
- You need to analyze before you buy in , it just like you have to know a girl well before you
tackle her ..
- Her background=Company background, Appearance= fundamentals,Personality=Company Financial Report,Performance Chart=her every single move =p, Current Shareholder=Your Opponent !!
- If she is your ideal one , then Start INVEST !!! know her , talk to her , and date her ..
- And at last , everything is depend on your investing skill .. haha =p ...
- Beside, you can ask advise from your 'remisier' or 'financial advisor'...
One example of 'did not discover share'..
before discover ..
before discover ..