
thinkins is better when it is deep than shallow; through rather than superficial




I Have a Lover - eng/korean lyrics.

아직도  혼잔 거니 물어보네요 
Ah-jikdo nun honja guh-ni, moo-ruh bo-nei-yo
You ask me why I’m still alone
 그저 웃어요 사랑하고 있죠
nan keu-juh oo-suh-yo, sarang ha go itt-jyo
I just smile weakly 사랑하는 사람 있어요
sarang ha neun saram issuh-yo
I’m in love with someone
그대는 내가 안쓰러운건가 
Keu-dae neun nae-ga an-seu-ruh-oon-gun ga bwa
Yes I do have a lover
좋은 사람 있다면
Joh-eun saram issuh da myun
You look at me with worried eyes
한번 만나보라 말하죠
Han bun man na bora mal ha jyo
And tell me to meet someone nice
 그댄 모르죠 내게도 멋진
Keu dae moh-reu jyo nae gei do muht-jin
But you never know
애인이 있다는걸
Ae-inn-ee itt-da-neun gul
I already have someone special
너무 소중해  숨겨두었죠
Noh-moo soh-joong hae ggok soom gyul doo attjyo
So precious that I hide inside
 사람 나만 볼수 있어요
Keu saram na-man bol-soo issuh-yo
No one can see the man but me
 눈에만 보여요
Nae noon ei man boh yuh yo
He is only visible to my eyes
 입술에 영원히 담아둘거야
Nae eep sool ei youngwun-ee dam-ah-dool-goh ya
I will keep him inside forever
가끔씩 차오르는 눈물만 알고 있죠
Ga geum shik cha oh reu neun noon mool man, al-go-itt-jyo
Sometimes tears filling up my eyes says
 사람 그대라는걸
Geu saram keu dae ra neun gol
You are the one I cherish
나는  사람 갖고 싶지 않아요
Na neun keu saram kat-go ship-ji  an-a-yo
I don’t wanna have him
욕심 내지 않아요
Yok-shim nae ji an-a-yo
I don’t wanna be greedy
그냥 사랑하고 싶어요
Keu nyang sarang hago ship-uh-yo
Just let me love him the way i do
그댄 모르죠
Keu dae mo-reu-jyo
But you never know
내게도 멋진 애인이 있다는걸
Nae gei do mut-jin ae-in-ee itt-da-neun-gol
I already have someone special
너무 소중해  숨겨두었죠
No-moo so joong hae gok soom kyu doo ohtt-jyo
So precious that I hide inside

 사람 나만 볼수 있어요
Keu saram na-man bol-soo issuh-yo
No one can see the man but me
 눈에만 보여요
Nae noon ei man boy uh yo
He is only visible to my eyes
 입술에 영원히 담아둘거야
Nae eep sool ei youngwun-ee dam-ah-dool-goh ya
I will keep him inside forever
가끔씩 차오르는 눈물만 알고 있죠
Ga geum shik cha oh reu neun noon mool man al-go-itt-jyo
Sometimes tears filling my eyes says
 사람 그대라는걸
Geu saram keu dae ra neun gol
You are the one I cherish
알겠죠 나혼자아닌걸요안쓰러워말아요
al-getjyo na hon ja anin golyo, an seu ruh woh mal ah yo
I know, I am not alone, so don’t worry about me
언젠가는  사람 소개 할게요
Un jein ga neun keu saram so gei hal gei yo
Someday I’ll introduce him to you
이렇게 차오르는 눈물이 말하나요
Irokei cha-oh-reu-neun noon mool-ee mal-ha na yo
Can’t you see what these tears says
 사람 그대라는걸
Keu saram keu dae ra neun gol
You are the one I cherish

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